
First, I am thrilled that you’ve stopped by. Thanks. I started this blog because I need to write more frequently. I like to write, and I never do. I’m an English teacher, and I teach kids how to love writing, but I don’t allow myself to do it; maintaining a blog will make me accountable to myself. Maybe something I’ve written stirs something in you. Whatever the case, I appreciate your time.

Monday, August 03, 2009

There was a time when
city and forest began to look alike
and to be measured in similar ways
immersion of one brings only
a small recognition of the other
if there is recognition at all
because the two are no longer distinct, but
melded and smudged

Canopies are bridges
Rocks are stairs
Leaves are windows
Trees are skyscrapers
Mica flecks sparkle like reflecting pools

Eventually, natural lines bring
annoyance, and unpaved trails become
inconvenient, and winding paths invite
confusion, and quiet beauty is
overshadowed by unfamiliarity and anxiety

Now, it is cumbersome to be here
even though this once probably provided a respite
Habitual creature comforts eclipse what used to be safe,
now extinct among the bridges, stairs, and skyscrapers