
First, I am thrilled that you’ve stopped by. Thanks. I started this blog because I need to write more frequently. I like to write, and I never do. I’m an English teacher, and I teach kids how to love writing, but I don’t allow myself to do it; maintaining a blog will make me accountable to myself. Maybe something I’ve written stirs something in you. Whatever the case, I appreciate your time.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Enjoy the RIDE!

"It all goes by SO FAST!  Enjoy every minute! They are miracles and wonderful and gifts from God!"
Parenting - enjoy the ride!
When does that happen, exactly?
Does it happen when your 3 yo son has peed on the floor for the 4th time in 12 hours?
And then he can't (suddenly) wash his own hands of the pee that he got on them in the process of peeing on the floor (miraculously) without getting a single.solitary.drop in his pullups?
How about when your daughter suddenly stops sleeping through the night?
Maybe it's when your son crawls into your bed with you - pantsless- long before "wake up time" and wants to talk about Venus and tigers?
Perhaps the large, sticky poopy diaper that your daughter immediately wants to play in?
Naw- it's when all of the above happens and the cat throws up - loud and large - on the floor. 
And you step in it.